An incredible international production, where the theatrical performance is combined with the special effects curated by Marco Balich, creator of the most admired Olympic cermonias, the music of Sting and the voice of Susan Sarandon.Through a journey in time the viewer is transported in the Renaissance. Michelangelo, the most appreciated sculptor of his time, is called to Rome by pope Julius II to paint the vault of the Sistina Chapel. A magical journey in which the artist's creative process becomes the protagonist and the paintings of the vault on Genesis come alive expressing their humanity. More than twenty years after, a new Pope Clement VII commissions Michelangelo to the fresco of the main wall of the Sistine Chapel.
It is a new challenge for Michelangelo who, in a moment of inspiration, realizes a visionary and powerful fresco, in complete rupture with the previous tradition.
Indeed, the Last Judgment opens up to an aesthetic, emotional and spiritual experience. All this can be enjoyed in a brilliant show which takes place in the Auditorium of via della Conciliazione, in front of St.peter's square,the Dome that Michelangelo designed.1 hour of intense emotions. Tickets from € 32 to € 8. Discounts for children.